
Marina has extensive experience in civil litigation and arbitration, especially proceedings related to construction, real estate, corporate and service contracts, as well as issues related to tax law and Intellectual Property, telecommunications and payment methods.

Member of Brazilian Institute of Construction Law (IBDIC) and of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAR).


Graduated at UniCEUB, Brasília (2008). Specialist in Contract Law by the Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV, SP (2017). Attended to Legal English: Contractual Relations & Corporate Law at the Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo (2015) and to university extension courses: Fintechs and Electronic Payment Systems by FGV, SP (2021), Intellectual Property, by the Escola Paulista da Magistratura (2014), and Tax Law: Theory and Practice by FGV, SP (2011).




“Foreign exclusive choice-of-forum clause: effectiveness after the new Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure”, Revista dos Tribunais, vol. 996, p. 491-512, october/2018.

“Electronic document as enforceable instrument”, Revista Fórum de Direito na Economia Digital – RFDED, n. 2, p. 157-174, jan./jun.2018.

“Summary Collection of foreign enforceable documents and the New Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure”, published March 9, 2016, at Portal Migalhas.



Setor Bancário Sul, Quadra 2, nº 12, Bloco E, Sala 206
Asa Sul – Brasília – DF – 70070-120