
Former President of the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC).

After a successful participation as Board Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr), received national and international recognition for acting as a lawyer and arbitrator in several proceedings.

Member of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) and Board Member of the International Federation of Commercial Arbitrations Institution (IFCAI).

Has a vast experience in assisting national and foreign companies in disputes regarding corporate, infrastructure and regulatory matters. Also practices in corporate and contractual disputes, mainly those related to breach or interpretation of contracts.

Acted in several mergers and acquisitions operations, including the privatization process of significant state companies. Also was invited to join the Administrative Board of several companies in the energy and telecommunication fields.

Forbes increasingly dedicates his time to the Alternative Dispute Resolution methods (ADR) and has been recently qualified by the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF) to participate in Committees to Prevent and Solve Disputes.


Graduated at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (1988). Forbes is a specialist (1991) and master (1994) in Civil Procedural Law at PUC- SP (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo).


Individual recommendation in the Chambers and Partners Guide – Global Guide – on the field of “Dispute Resolution: arbitration” – 2018.
Individual recommendation in the Chambers and Partners Guide – Latin America Guide – on the field of “Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators” – 2019.
Recommendation by LACCA – Latin American Corporate Counsel Association – on the field of “Litigation” – 2018, 2017, 2016.
Mentioned by the Global Arbitration Review – GAR – Published Article: The Arbitration Review of the Americas – 2018.
Individual recommendation on the Legal 500 Latin America Guide – 2018, 2017, 2016.
Individual recommendation on the “Civil & Commercial Litigation – Law Firms – Brazil – 2018 Rankings”, published by Leaders League.
Individual recommendation on “Arbitrators – Brazil – 2021” published by Leaders League.
Individual recommendation on the “Civil & Commercial Litigation- Brazil” and “Arbitration- Brazil”, 2022, published by Leaders League.




FORBES, Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo; KÖMEL, Luíza Helena Cardoso. The Increasing Transparency in Arbitration. In. Asdrubal Franco Nascimbeni; Maria Odete Duque Bertasi; Ricardo Borges Ranzolin (Coord.). Themes of Mediation and Arbitration II. São Paulo, Lex, 2018, p. 43-76.

FORBES, Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo; KOBAYASHI, Patrícia Shiguemi. Arbitral Letter: jurisdictional instrument of cooperation. In. Carlos Alberto Carmona; Selma Ferreira Lemes; Pedro Batista Martins (Org.). 20 Years of the Arbitration Act in Honors of Petrônio R. Muniz. São Paulo, Atlas, 2017, p. 521-536.
FORBES, Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo; BENTO DE FARIA, Lenora Hage Santos. CAM-CCBC. In. The Arbitration Review of the Americas 2017. Global Arbitration Review Special Report, p. 4-7.

FORBES, Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo; KOBAYASHI, Patrícia Shiguemi. Arbitral Tribunal. In. Frederico Straube; Claudio Finkelstein; Napoleão Casado (eds.). The CAM-CCBC Arbitration Rules: A Commentary. Hague, Eleven International Publishing, 2016, p. 113-123.

FORBES, Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo. Preface. In. Ronaldo Vasconcelos; Daniel Tavela; Giovani Ravagnani; Fernando Maluf (Coord.) Practical analysis of arbitration chambers and arbitration in Brazil. São Paulo: Editor IASP, 2019.

FORBES, Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo. Business mediation: The institutional experience of CAM-CCBC. In. Adolfo Braga Neto (Coord.) Business Mediation – Brazilian experience. São Paulo: Editor CLA Cultural, 2019.

FORBES, Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo. The increasing transparency in arbitration. In. Asdrubal Franco Nascimbeni; Maria Odete Duque Bertasi; Ricardo Borges Ranzolin (Coord.) Mediation and Arbitration topics II. São Paulo: Lex, 2018.
